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The Things No One Tells You About Changing Your Family Name

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in The Wedding Market

Posted on March 16, 2015

Changing your status from ‘Single’ to ‘Married’ can and will affect your life in many ways. You may find yourself associating more with other married couples at the expense of your single friends (even if you swore to yourself that this would never happen), your topics of conversation may differ, and your mode of dress may even be modified; however, one change that you make may cause you more anguish than any of the previously mentioned changes – changing your family name.



Now we’re not talking about the possibility that you may have taken for a spouse a man with a surname with at least nine letters and many more vowels than consonants (that was your choice after all), the issue at hand is that changing all the relevant account information from your previous name to your married name can be a headache at best and a nightmare at worst.



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You may think to yourself that you don’t lead a particularly interesting life, how difficult can it already be to change details of your surname on all relevant documentation? Well, think again; and prepare yourself to run full steam into the bureaucracy that big corporations and big government inevitably create.



Your new “must have at all times” document is your wedding certificate, so consider yourself warned. Order at least two certified copies and make numerous photocopies of them – you will need them.



Changing your bank account details shouldn’t be too problematic, especially if you have a long relationship with the bank staff, although financial compliance can be very annoying to say the least. This is a mere warm-up for the DMV though, where changing your license details can be more difficult than actually getting your license. As the Boy Scouts so correctly implore, “Be prepared.” Bring any and every piece of documentation that you can think of as well as your marriage certificate. Also, take a sedative or two, a sleeping bag, and then a big friendly smile when speaking to the person on the other side of the counter. Ditto this when applying to change the name on your passport.



Get used to not responding or taking longer to respond when your name is called as it will take a while for the fact that you are no longer Cathy Smith but rather Cathy ….to sink in. Don’t worry, it will take time but that should be the least of your worries. You’ll also have to think about getting a new signature. This can be your opportunity for evolution or revolution; just remember to be consistent.



When changing your surname on relevant documents after marriage, you will need a good sense of humor and plenty of patience. However, a sunny disposition will only get you so far. Never leave home without at least one certified wedding certificate.

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